“1 page a day” sounds like a doctor’s receipt – When you get to know Mateja, you realize it is so much more!

“Any fool can know. The point is to understand.” 

So true, isn’t t?

The above quote by  Albert Einstein is something that caught my eye as soon as read the first few lines on the  web page “1 page a day” (Ena stran na dan

This unique news digest service brand is owned by Mateja Malnar Štembal who has a university degree. B.Sc. and is a historian who, in 25 years has transformed into an expert in communication and event organization and an amateur interior designer. She is also Vice President of ONA VE, Association for connecting female experts and promoting knowledge.

I continue reading Ena stran na danMateja tells me something I already know but it still makes me nod my head. Look below- So true, isn’t it?

“Did you know that today we receive as much information in one day as people who lived two hundred years ago received in their entire lives? There are many different sources, one web link leads to another. Do you also feel like you’re missing something every day? Do you sometimes find yourself in a company and don’t know what they are talking about? That’s why 1 PAGE A DAY  exists . Every day. No later than 07:05 a.m. From Monday to Friday. Two to three minutes of reading. Every day, 1 PAGE a day, informs you about the key events in Slovenia, and more importantly – news important to society and life, events and statistics that are not on the central agenda of the media, as well as news that contributes to general awareness. The news is read, listened to and written for you by a human, not an artificial intelligence.” 

I am sure you are intrigued by now and that is why we decided to interview Mateja Malnar Štembal. 

DC Slovenia, Mateja Malnar Štembal, photo by Miran Juršič
DC Slovenia, Mateja Malnar Štembal, photo by Miran Juršič

DC Slovenia: You are the editor of Ena stran na dan – what kind of service is that?

Mateja Malnar Štembal: “Ena stran na dan” is a unique daily service that allows you to stay informed in just a few minutes each day. Every morning, from Monday to Friday, by 7:05 AM, you receive a concise, one-page summary of the most important events in the country. We prepare the news in Slovenian, and if desired, in English as well. We place special emphasis on news, events, and statistics that are crucial for society and daily life but are often overlooked by mainstream media. This service is crafted by a human, not artificial intelligence, ensuring that the content is infused with the depth, understanding, and values that only a person can provide. For those interested, you can fill out a very short form for a one-week trial at Ena stran na dan  and then decide if it’s the right fit for you.

For subscribers, I also prepare a special service called “2 strani na teden”. This service offers a weekly summary of events in a specific field, such as healthcare, condensed into just two pages. It’s a great time-saver and helps reduce the feeling of missing out, especially when you don’t have enough time to read during the week.

DC Slovenia Mateja Malnar Štembal
DC Slovenia Mateja Malnar Štembal

DC Slovenia: How would you describe your activism in the ONA VE organization; why did you join and when? What does the role of the Vice President of ONA VE mean in the practical way?

Mateja Malnar Štembal: My activism in ONA VE comes from a genuine passion for empowering women and making sure our voices are heard in media and public spaces. I’m one of the four co-founders of this unique organization, which isn’t just about getting more women out there—it’s about giving them the confidence and tools they need to take the stage and showcase their achievements. We openly acknowledge that to truly make a difference, we need the collaboration, partnership, and support of men too.

In ONA VE I saw a real good tool for change. Women deserve more representation and influence, and I wanted to be part of the solution. As Vice President, my role is hands-on—I’m involved in organizing initiatives, supporting our amazing members, and pushing our mission forward. This means rolling up my sleeves to work on campaigns, building partnerships with others who share our vision, and guiding our strategy to ensure we’re making the impact we aim for.

DC Slovenia Mateja Malnar Štembal
DC Slovenia Mateja Malnar Štembal

DC Slovenia: How is it to be a female entrepreneur in Slovenia? What is your message to women entrepreneurs here?

Mateja Malnar Štembal: Being a female entrepreneur in Slovenia, for me, has never been about thinking it’s harder because I’m a woman. There are plenty of tools, resources, and support available that aren’t dependent on gender. I’ve always looked at entrepreneurship through the lens of courage, knowledge, and the ability to bounce back from setbacks. It’s not about how many times you fall, but how many times you get back up.

As one of the four co-founders of ONA VE, I’m passionate about empowering women to take the stage, showcase their achievements, and not be afraid to promote themselves. And we know that real progress comes when we work together.

So, to all the women entrepreneurs out there, my message is simple: trust your vision, be curious, and don’t be afraid to lean on others for support. The journey might have its challenges, but it’s also full of opportunities—just keep moving forward, and know that your unique perspective is your greatest asset.

DC Slovenia: Tell us a bit about your previous career and plans for the future.

Mateja Malnar Štembal: I have over 25 years of rich experience working at the Government Communication Office of the Republic of Slovenia, where I was fortunate to witness and contribute to modern history as it unfolded. This role was especially rewarding for me as a historian, allowing me to bridge the past with the present.

Additionally, I gained valuable insights from the corporate sector, working for the Swiss healthcare company Roche, and even before that with working in our family-run business, which taught me the importance of clear, concise communication.

Looking ahead, I plan to continue advocating for simple yet effective communication and to further develop “Ena stran na dan” as a trusted source of information. My hope is that one day, this service will be public, free, and accessible to everyone. By making it widely available, we can increase the number of people who are informed. This would help combat the growing trend of people turning away from media and information due to the overwhelming flood of information and misinformation. I also aim to strengthen my involvement in ONA VE, helping to create a more inclusive and equal media landscape.