Slovenian and Serbian Speakers discuss cooperation and EU enlargement

Parliamentary Speaker Dejan Židan and his Serbian counterpart Maja Gojković discussed cooperation between Slovenia and Serbia and the countries’ parliaments as well as EU enlargement. Židan reiterated Slovenia’s support for Western Balkans accession to the EU.

The Serbian speaker said EU accession was the country’s strategic priority and agreed with Židan that the enlargement policy was one of the best strategies for peace and stability in the Western Balkans and the entire EU.

Gojkovic and Zidan agreed that the Serbian Parliament Speaker’s prompt return visit to Slovenia and the fact that the two speakers of parliament have met five times in less than a year speak volumes about both sides’ commitment to strengthen the relations between the two parliaments and states.
Zidan said that the two countries have traditionally good relations which they should now take steps to intensify further.
Gojkovic stressed that the parliamentary relations are at a historic high, adding that the frequent meetings of the presidents of the two countries and joint government sessions testify to the high level of understanding between the two states.
Gojkovic and Zidan agreed it is now vital to continue developing parliamentary cooperation based on the Memorandum of Understanding the Serbian and Slovenian national assemblies signed in Belgrade in December 2018, opening up room for the cooperation between working bodies and parliamentary friendship groups. Gojkovic added that the parliaments also have the important task to ratify the agreements the two governments sign such as the Agreement regulating the employment of Serbian nationals in Slovenia.
Zidan and Gojkovic spoke about the newest developments in the European Union and challenges facing it. Zidan believes the European Union needs to spread to the Western Balkans as this will add to the stabilization of the entire region. He stressed that Slovenia is Serbia’s friend and will continue to support its European integration and make the path to it swift and easy. He said that it is Slovenia’s experience that the road to the EU is not always easy, but Slovenia, which is a true friend to Serbia, was committed and persistent, so he believes Serbia too can make it.
Gojkovic thanked Slovenia for endorsing the enlargement policy and supporting Serbia’s efforts. She agreed with Zidan that enlargement is one of the most important policies because it means peace and stability on the entire European continent.

Gojkovic Meets with Slovenian President

Gojkovic and Pahor discussed the improvement cooperation between the two countries, regional cooperation and the prospects of the Western Balkans’ Euro-integration process.

Gojkovic and Pahor talked about the situation in the European Union and the challenges after the election in light of Brexit, as well as the continuation of the enlargement process in that context.
Gojkovic and Pahor agreed it is vital to keep the enlargement process high on the EU agenda, and Gojkovic thanked Slovenia for supporting Serbia’s European integration process and the EU accession of the Western Balkans. Gojkovic stressed that Serbia is fully committed to meeting the European standards.
Gojkovic and Pahor talked about all the aspects of regional cooperation and the importance of preserving peace and stability in the region, and Gojkovic stressed that maintaining regional stability and intensifying overall cooperation is crucial for Serbia.
Gojkovic and Pahor also spoke about the situation in Kosovo-Metohija where Gojkovic stressed Serbia’s constructive approach and readiness for dialogue with Pristina, with the proviso that it revoke the 100% customs tariffs on goods from central Serbia and Bosnia and Herzegovina, and Pahor said that Slovenia’s stance that these tariffs are unacceptable is a well-known fact.
Gojkovic briefed Pahor on the dynamic and extensive parliamentary cooperation based on the Memorandum of Understanding the Serbian and Slovenian national assemblies signed in Belgrade in December 2018.