Slovenia’s national grid operator part of European e-mobility project

Slovenia’s national grid operator ELES is involved in an EU-subsidised project designed to test how various innovative electric mobility solutions function in practice. The project, valued at EUR 18.61 million, is led by the French car maker Renault, while ELES is a coordinator in the part of the project concerning the electricity transmission system.

Partners from eight countries will test seven solutions in five demonstration areas in the urban, peri-urban and rural environments.The solutions include smart two-way vehicle charging, dynamic wireless charging lanes in urban centers, dynamic wireless long-distance charging and super fast charging stations for European road corridors. One of the sections that ELES is involved in seeks to develop apps and services to manage, supervise and optimise charging infrastructure in order to provide user-friendly e-vehicle charging and driving. The participants include equipment manufacturers, vehicle charging technology providers, ICT and road infrastructure companies, national grid operators and power distributors, among others. Apart from Slovenia and France, the partners come from Estonia, Italy, Germany, Holland, Spain and Turkey.