Slovenia records an external trade surplus

Slovenia’s trade in goods continues to grow. Exports in the January-June period amounting to EUR 16.83 billion, up 9.2% over the same period last year. Imports reached EUR 16.78 billion, a rise of 11.2%, which puts the country’s export-import ratio at 100.3%, the Statistics Office said.

The country recorded an external trade surplus of EUR 47.9 million. Slovenia’s exports to EU countries in the January-June period topped EUR 12.73 billion. Meanwhile, imports from EU members almost reached EUR 12.47 billion, and from non-EU countries EUR 4.32 billion. Exports amounted to EUR 2.81 billion and imports to EUR 2.68 billion.

The external trade surplus in June amounted to EUR 124.9 million and was the highest this year. The export-import ratio was 104.6%. Slovenia exported EUR 2.04 billion in goods to the EU in June, which is 1.8% less than in June 2018. Imports from the bloc reached EUR 1.93 billion, a 5% drop. Exports to non-EU member states rose by 20% to EUR 766.9 million. Imports from third countries were also up, by 33% to EUR 752.1 million.