New US Ambassador Wants Stronger Ties With Slovenia

New American Ambassador H.E. Lynda Blanchard arrived to Slovenia. She is proud to represent the U.S. in Slovenia and she is anxious to experience Slovenian culture and it’s legendary hospitality. The new US ambassador to Slovenia said that she was looking forward to working with the Slovenian government to make the US and Slovenia stronger partners. Before she arrived in Slovenia with her family  H.E. Blanchard had met American first lady Melania Trump.

Blanchard has experience in working on the Capitol Hill in Washington, DC, for six years, and in 15 different countries with their governments. In her hearing on the Senate committee on foreign relations last August, she described Slovenia as “a reliable US partner” and “a regional leader in implementing democratic reforms” in the Balkans.

She pledged to encourage privatisation, noting that 50% of the Slovenian economy was “under state ownership or control”, which entailed “opportunities for increased private investment”. The nominee also argued that US-Slovenian relations needed to continue to improve “through direct outreach and engagement with Slovenian people”.

Blanchard is co-founder of the 100X Development Foundation, which is dedicated to provide creative solutions to improving the lives of children around the world. She also co-founded of B&M Real Estate Investment Management Company. As part of her 100X Foundation mission, she had worked in Africa, Asia and South America.

She holds a bachelor’s degree in mathematics and computer science from Auburn University.