PM Sarec: Slovenia is committed to a strong, cohesive and united EU

The Bled Strategic Forum, the top event on Slovenia’s foreign policy calendar, opened in Bled on Monday with addresses by senior Slovenian and UN officials, who highlighted stability and sustainability as well as fighting climate change as the main factors for Slovenia and the EU and also globally. Slovenian Prime Minister Marjan Sarec in his speech focused on the importance of ensuring stability and security through sustainability, and stressed that there was “an urgent need for a unified and coordinated approach towards global challenges.”

According to him, clear recognition of scientific facts and immediate actions are needed regarding climate change, water supplies and food security, if I only name and start with the most pressing issues. The second point is that, for Slovenia, being part of the EU makes “us responsible for decisions and actions taken within the Union.” Discussions on the future of the EU should also be sustainable ones, he added.

Šarec stressed that Slovenia was committed to a strong, cohesive and united EU, while ensuring solidarity and the highest standards of human rights and dignity. The last point is that he as prime minister has the responsibility to make sure the Slovenian government has high national ambitions, takes the necessary legal steps and cares for a prosperous common future. “We are not afraid to tackle the area of science and modern technologies. We cherish the importance of water and its accessibility, and we also aim to be leaders in environment protection,” the prime minister concluded.