In the name of the book: Kučan, Pregl, Blatnik and Rugelj visited President Pahor

The President of the Republic, Borut Pahor, met with Milan Kučan, Slavko Pregl, Andrej Blatnik and Samo Rugelj. The topic of the meeting was the status of the book, and the result for now is the decision to hold a consultation on forming an alliance to support the book.

The meeting was organized by President Pahor at the initiative of former President Milan Kučan, a president of Forum 21. Within this forum, a meeting about reading and a book was held last November, called An arch of the book from creators to readers in Slovenia. Pahor was acquainted, among other things, with a November-drafted text summarizing instructions for improving the position of reading, books and also Slovenian language.

The President was also briefed on the information about reading, position of authors and publishers, as well as the position of bookstores and public libraries. The guests have summarized their proposals into the following tasks: cooperation in changing the cultural landscape, strengthening the network of libraries, return of funds for the Public Book Agency of the Republic of Slovenia to the level of 2010, respect for intellectual property and copyright, analysis of the law on the unified book price and a care for the book, which must become a government category.

They addressed the President with a request to join with his authority in a joint effort to show what Slovenia wants and can do in the field of reading, its book and its language.

Pahor is on the move now and will to inform the Ministry of Education, Science and Sport of the meeting’s highlights and ask for the Ministry’s opinion, clarifications and suggestions, the Office of the President states.


Source: STA,

Photo: Pixabay