Negotiations on the EU long term budget entering a decisive phase

Negotiations between the EU Member States on the Union’s Multiannual Financial Framework for 2021-2027 are at a decisive phase. These days, the latest compromise proposal is expected to be made by European Council President Charles Michel. The European Parliament will also adopt its latest position. An extraordinary EU budget summit follows next week.

Michel’s proposal follows the proposal of the previous Finnish EU Presidency in early December no one was satisfied with. Slovenia was one of the bigger losers, since it envisaged a very significant decrease in cohesion funds.

Therefore, the first priority of Slovenia – recognizing that a certain decline is unavoidable due to a higher level of development and the general situation in the EU – is to negotiate a minimal reduction of cohesion funds and at the same time a better position for a more developed Western Slovenia.


Source: STA

Photo: Pixabay