The negotiations for the new government are expected to continue

Negotiations for the SDS, SMC, NSi and DeSUS parties’ government are expected to continue in the coming days. It is unknown how the talks are progressing, but it will probably be clear by the end of the week whether the balance tips in favour of an agreement or snap election.

Presumably on 24 or 25 February, the second round of consultations will take place with the President of the Republic of Slovenia, Borut Pahor. The decision on whether to propose the Prime Minister candidate to the National Assembly must be announced by 28 February at the latest.

The president of the SDS party, Janez Janša, assessed on Thursday that a majority coalition could be formed in terms of content. At the SDS ceremonial session on Saturday, however, he recalled three consecutive snap elections and estimated that the fourth one is likely close.

The centre parties too are checking where they stand. The SMC party’s authorities will decide this Monday and Wednesday whether to continue negotiations for Janša’s government.


Source: STA

Photo: Pixabay