Krivec: I submitted a proposal to Pahor to appoint Janša as a formateur

A head of the SDS deputy group, Danijel Krivec, today submitted their proposal to the President of the Republic of Slovenia, Borut Pahor, to appoint SDS president Janez Janša as formateur.

Krivec presented the progress of the arrangements regarding new government, and Pahor’s decision on the proposal is, according to Krivec, a matter of his own judgment. The parties reached an agreement regarding content.

Krivec did not confirm unofficial information that the presidents of the potential government partners had already initialled the coalition agreement draft on Monday.

According to him, they will inform everyone in a timely manner, but the program issues are agreed on and that was important for the processes to continue inside individual parties. He did not confirm unofficial information in the media about who gets which ministry in the potential government, adding that this is a matter of next steps and also depends on the decision of the parties’ authorities.

Potential partners in the new government – SDS, SMC, NSi and DeSUS – have coordinated the issues of content, and the final decisions are the responsibility of the parties’ authorities that are discussing them today, Krivec said. According to him, SDS provides 26 parliamentary votes for the appointment of this government and a prime minister. How many votes do other parties provide, depends on the decision of other parties’ authorities, Krives said.


Source: STA,

Photo: Pixabay