National Assembly on reintroduction of conscription

The National Assembly conducts the first reading of legislation on mandatory military service in Slovenia today, a bill proposed by the SDS party.

The proposal envisages the law coming into force as early as September this year, while the coalition agreement signed by the parties of SDS, SMC, NSi and DeSUS envisages gradual introduction of a recruiting system.

SMC and NSi have already announced they will not support the proposal in a current form, but DeSUS is somewhat more in favour of it. The head of the SDS parliamentary group Danijel Krivec has already announced the possibility of changing the proposal in the procedure if the proposal passes the first parliamentary screening.

Regarding opposition, the SNS party is in favour of the proposal, while other parliamentary groups oppose it. They are particularly sharp in the Left party, which, if approved, doesn’t rule out the possibility of a referendum.


Source: STA

Photo: Pixabay