Ministerial candidates presented to parliamentary committees this week

This week, the candidates for ministers of a Janez Janša-led government will present themselves to the competent parliamentary working bodies. The most interesting will probably be presentations of lesser-known candidates, such as Boštjan Koritnik, Helena Jaklitsch and Janez Cigler Kralj.

The list of proposed candidates by the SDS, SMC, NSi and DeSUS parties’ coalition was submitted to the National Assemlby late Friday night by the new prime minister-designate Janša. Most of the names came out to the public earlier and are known political actors. For example, seven candidates already have ministerial experience, two of them being current ministers.

The hearings will be held Tuesday through Friday. The committees will decide whether or not the presentation of the candidate was appropriate, and Janša may then decide to replace any candidate.

MPs will vote on the ministerial list as a whole.


Source: STA