The Union warns about unacceptable way of laying off foreign workers

The Catering and Tourism Workers’ Union of Slovenia has sent a call to the Ministry of Economy against unacceptable ways of laying off foreign workers. They demand that the economy minister Zdravko Počivalšek responds to such actions of employers.

According to the Union’s press release, they got the information that the HR department of Sava Tourism made the workers coming from the former Yugoslavia countries to sign a consensual termination of their employment, agreements on absenteeism with no salary compensation and termination of contracts for business reasons.

“This is an unacceptable act and we warned the management of Sava Tourism about it, but they did not respond to our intervention,” they wrote in a call to minister Počivalšek, who is expected to respond appropriately.

“For years, we have been struggling with the chronic shortage of staff in our industry, and then we get rid of the workers in a shortest possible process during the most difficult period we have found ourselves in. We are talking about the workers who have worked overtime and were available for their employer at all times,” the Union pointed out.


Source: STA,

Photo: Pixabay