Ribič: A ban on contacts for the elderly in retirement homes is necessary; we help them with video calls

It is urgent to ban contacts in the retirement homes in order to avoid the risk of the new coronavirus infection. Mateja Ribič from the Ministry of Labour urged the elderly not to go out to get the newspaper, to the store or to the bank. She assured their relatives that the elderly are still being provided with an active lifestyle and are assisted in making video calls with the relatives.

The secretary at the Ministry of Labour, Family, Social Affairs and Equal Opportunities stressed that the ministry is aware of what a very strict measure prohibiting visits in retirement homes means. They want the relatives to respect it and to understand that the purpose of the measure is to reduce the possibility of bringing the infection into the retirement homes.

She assured the relatives that their loved ones are well cared for. According to Ribič, retirement home staff is still carrying out various activities, taking them out to get some fresh air, making sure they do not get in contact with others.


Source: STA, vecer.com

Photo: Pixabay