British Slovenian Chamber of Commerce, Panel discussion – World is Ready for Jobs of the Future

During his visit to Slovenia, The Earl of Wessex also took part in a panel discussion titled World is Ready for Jobs of the Future, which was part of a day-long focus on informal education and its role in making sure young people have the necessary skills to succeed in life.

Organised by the British Slovenian Chamber of Commerce, the event focused on exploring ways businesses can help young people identify and acquire the skills required to perform well professionally as well as beyond work.
MEPI – Program Mednarodno priznanje za mlade, who helped co-organise the event, took this opportunity to present the #MEPIemployer initiative. The goal of the initiative is to help employers recognise work-ready candidates and, with MEPI’s help, support future generations of motivated and engaged young Slovene citizens.
Also taking part in the discussion were Blaž Brodnjak, President of the Management Board at NLB, Martina Vuk, State Secretary at Ministrstvo za izobraževanje, znanost in šport, and Gregor Deleja, Headmaster of Gimnazija Celje – Center, all of whom agreed that informal education should not be overlooked in the ongoing debate about whether and how to reform Slovenia’s education system.
After the discussion, business representatives present at the event were offered to sign a special manifesto, recognising the significance of informal education and committing themselves to raise awareness about its benefits among their peers.