European elections latest polls: SDS opposition party forecast to win most votes

The latest Mediana poll, published by Delo, projects an EU elections victory for the joint list of the opposition Democrats (SDS) and the non-parliamentary People’s Party (SLS).

SDS plus SLS got 12.2% in the poll, followed by the junior coalition SocDems at 11.1% and senior coalition Marjan Šarec List (LMŠ) at 10.7%. Support dropped a little for the SDS and for the LMŠ, while it increased for the National Party (SNS), which got 8.1% in fourth place, and New Slovenia (NSi), which got 7.3%. Support also decreased for the Left, which polled at 6.4% and the Pensioners’ Party (DeSUS), which got 3.5%. Meanwhile, the ratings of the government and of parliament remain on the decline.

Commenting on Mediana’s latest pre-EU election survey, the newspaper Delo says the race at the top is very close and that much can still change, especially given the traditionally low turnout and given findings that 30% of voters make up their mind only three days ahead of election day.

Source: Delo