GERMAN FORUM 2019 “What kind of opportunities do Slovenian companies have in Germany?”

Business conference German Forum will be organized by the German-Slovene Chamber of Commerce and Industry (AHK Slovenia)  on Wednesday, May 22, 2019, at Austria Trend Hotel Ljubljana. German-Slovene economic relations follow a positive trend with trade as high as 12 billion euros. However, it is very likely that in 2019 the export growth will be more moderate.

“The start in 2019 was successful: In January, 13.7% more goods were exported than in the previous year. Comparingly, also the export value increased by 5.2%. In 2018 the number of German imports from Slovenia increased by 3.54%, which corresponds to 216,310,000 euros. However, after record-high exports and imports in Slovenia, it is very likely that in 2019 the previously strong growth will decrease. Consequently, Slovenia’s export growth will grow moderately, nevertheless it will remain at a high level, even though lower than last year,” says Simon Pöpperl, Head of Business Services Department, German-Slovene Chamber of Commerce and Industry (AHK Slovenia).

How to operate successfully on the German market, which marketing strategy to pick, what are the opportunities for financing entry to a foreign market and how to find an investor, this and many other questions will be answered in the company of Slovene and German experts at the business conference.

Germany is the leading economic power within Europe and the 4th fourth largest economy in the world. About 20% of the Slovenian total exports go to Germany, while Slovenia exports more to Germany than it imports.

German and Slovene speakers and guests of the program including Ruth Nicolai, AUMA (Association of German Fair Industry), Dr. Bernhard Hauer, Permanent Deputy Ambassador of the Federal Republic of Germany, Petra Ambrožič, SPIRIT Slovenia, Matic Vošnjak, CEO of Competo, Katja Stadler, Head of the Law and Tax Department at AHK Slovenia, Breda Jerič, Bisnode, Raoul Frings, NRW.INVEST, Simon Pöpperl, Head of Business Services Department at AHK Slovenia, will share their views, experiences, and knowledge.