“A World of Parallel Realities” Bled Strategic Forum 2024


The 19th International Conference of the Bled Strategic Forum will take place in Bled on 2 and 3 September. This year’s event will be held under the title “A World of Parallel Realities”. The aim of this year’s conference will be to bring new innovative approaches to the programme and for young people to play a bigger part.

BSF 2024 Concept Note

The international community is unable or unwilling to break the cycles of competition,

insecurity and consequential antagonism, which sometimes lead to instability, violence or

even conflict. Issues such as climate change, global health, addressing poverty and

inequalities, ensuring food and water security, respecting human rights, navigating emerging

technologies and adhering to fundamental rights and freedoms are being overtaken by the

struggle for power and particular interests that hinder our potential for just and inclusive


The world’s relative, if often deceptive, age of peace, has come to an end; our peace dividend

has expired. The Russian aggression on Ukraine and the conflict in the Middle East, both with

unimaginable humanitarian consequences, are a vivid and catastrophic reminder of what can

happen when the international community fails to act and uphold the necessary responsibility

for global stability. Realpolitik and sabre-rattling are once again winning – bilateral and

regional alliances, which are driven by competitiveness, partial interests, hedging and

confrontation, are replacing multilateralism and global cooperation with narrow



Roughly half the world’s population is expected to go to the polls in 2024, with some of the

world’s most populous countries holding elections. With the upcoming elections in the United

States and elections to the European Parliament just around the corner, the global political

and security scene is growing in complexity and could be difficult to navigate.


What can be done to ensure that the instruments of the past are no longer used to solve

today’s problems? We need return to a multilateral cooperation, based on shared principles

of democracy, human rights and a rules-based international order. But what if these

principles and rules are no longer broadly accepted? How can we enhance mutual

understanding to safeguard the future?

Europe is in the midst of high expectations, but also quite difficult decisions; strengthening

the continent’s cohesion will take time, confidence, fortitude and perseverance.

Simultaneously, it is of the utmost importance that the EU act as a global player capable of

demonstrating and leading the way toward a different, more sustainable, just and resilient

international community.

A dedicated global commitment is needed now. But how can cooperation and dialogue be

strengthened and parallel tracks overcome? How can we avoid double standards and, at the

same time, take into account specific situations and contexts? And how can we ensure that

global concerns are addressed equitably around the world and ensure that human life is

valued equally everywhere? We must preserve human dignity and move towards more

responsible politics.

Source: PR & Communications  of BSF  https://bledstrategicforum.org/

Read more about the Program on BSF