AmCham Business Breakfast on European elections: Slovenia needs to unify and raise awareness of its strategic interest

Calls for unity, building of trust and establishing of new foundations of the European Union were the topics that were at the forefront of the confrontation of candidates for MEPs at the AmCham Business Breakfast. This European elections will be extremely important, because the European Union is facing some of the crucial challenges, and it is important for Slovenia to raise awareness of its strategic interest and harmonize with it.

AmCham Business Breakfast “Quo vadis, Europe?” was attended by Dr. Igor Šoltes, the list lider for the European Parliament elections in front of the Democratic Party of Pensioners of Slovenia (DeSUS), Dr. Klemen Grošelj, candidate of the List of Marjan Šarac (LMŠ) running in the EP election, Dr. Žiga Turk, candidate of the list of New Slovenija (NSi) standing for elections to the European Parliament, Dr. Angelika Mlinar, list leader of the Party of Alenka Bratušek (SAB) for the elections to the European Parliament, Msc. Tanja Fajon, list leader of the Social Democrats (SD) for the European Parliament elections, Dr. Milan Zver, the holder of the list of the Slovenian Democratic Party and the Slovenian People’s Party (SDS + SLS) for the European Parliament elections, and Gregor Perič, the list leader of the Modern Center Party (SMC) for the European Parliament elections. We invited the list leaders of parliamentary parties that compete for eight Slovenian seats in the European Parliament to attend the AmCham Business Breakfast. Seven parties responded to our invitation, while two (the Left and SNS) excused themselves.

In talks led by Martina Merslavič, the participants first were answering the question of what they are most proud of in the previous mandate or what they will stand for if they are elected to the European Parliament. Igor Šoltes said that he is most proud of recognizing in Slovenia that natural assets are a key point for the future and that Slovenia is one of the first countries to incorporate the right to clean drinking water to the constitution. Klemen Grošelj promised to stand up for a Europe without extremism; Žiga Turk will strive for the efficiency of the European Union, Angelika Mlinar said she was proud of the new Digital Europe programme, promoting gender equality and that she stands for Slovenian party. Tanja Fajon emphasized that she was most proud of abolishing visas for the countries of the Western Balkans, preventing the disintegration of the Schengen system and that she will continue to work for the Schengen and secure external borders; she is also proud of the fact that she was elected Vice-President of the European Parliament. Milan Zver is most proud of the Erasmus + program and that he has succeeded to increase the budget for the programme; he also has been active in the field of security, Gregor Perič said that he will strive for unity, the unification of Slovenia and Europe and to represent Slovenia in the best light possible.

Source: AmCham Slovenia