Average salary went up last year

The average monthly gross earning was 1753.84 euros, which was nominally higher by 4.3 percent compared to 2018, and by 2.7 percent in real terms. The average monthly net earning also increased – by 3.7 percent in nominal terms and by 2.1 percent in real terms. It amounted to 1133.50 euros.

The average monthly gross earning for 2019 was higher than in 2018 in both sectors: in private sector by 3.9 percent and public sector by 5.4 percent. In the institutional sector of the state, i.e. the narrowest part of the public sector, they went up by 6.5 percent, the National Statistical Office reported.

Such a rise in wages in both public and institutional sector of the state was largely due to the increase in wages for civil servants on the basis of an agreement on wages and other labour costs in the public sector, the statistics noted.

The highest average monthly gross earning was in the electricity, gas and steam supply sector last year, amounting to 2,628.55 euros. Gross wages increased in all sectors, most notably in public administration, defence and compulsory social security – by 8.9 percent.

In terms of regions, the average monthly gross earning last year was higher than the Slovenian average in only two statistical regions – in Central Slovenia (by 10.3 percent) and Southeastern Slovenia (by 0.9 percent).

The Statistical Office also provided data for the average salary in December last year, which was lower than in November – mainly due to the lower share of extra payments, i.e. Christmas bonus and other payments for business performance.

The average gross salary in December 2019 thus reached 1855.25 euros and was nominally by 2.2% lower than the gross salary in November 2019, and 2% lower in real terms. Meanwhile, the average net earning for the same month amounted to 1,214.93 euros and was nominally lower by 1.6 percent and 1.4 percent in real terms on a monthly basis.


Source: STA, 24ur.com

Photo: Pixabay