Brazilian National Day Reception

On the occasion of the Brazilian National Day the Ambassador of Brazil to Slovenia, H.E. Renato Mosca hosted a reception attended by the Slovenian President Borut Pahor and guests from Slovenian political, economic, social and cultural spheres, and the international community in Ljubljana. The Brazilian Ambassador confirmed the relations between Brazil and Slovenia are excellent, adding that his mission is to improve them even further. On the occasion, the Brazilian government conferred the Order of Rio Branco to Professor Dr. Boštjan Žekš.

„The Brazilian Embassy has been working to strengthen the political, economic, commercial and cultural relations between Brazil and Slovenia. As a result, I believe we have managed to develop our bilateral ties and improve our cooperation at the multilateral level. But I know we can do a lot more to further bolster our cooperation, especially now that we have some very good news regarding trade and investments, “ said the Brazilian Ambassador during his speech.

“I am talking about the political agreement reached last June by the European Union and Mercosur. This agreement brings together two important global players and covers a population of more than 780 million people. It will increase export opportunities for both sides by removing the majority of tariffs on exports. While it still needs to be approved by parliaments of all Mercosur and European Union countries, I know that politicians on both regions will work to reach this goal. And I am confident that we can find in the Slovenian parliament the support we need to make it a reality, “ The Ambassador pointed out.

H.E. Mr. Mosca stressed that it was the honor for him to bestow upon Dr. Boštjan Žekš , on behalf of The Government of the Federative Republic of Brazil, the grade of Grand Officer of the Order of Rio Branco, the most important decoration offered to a foreign national in order to distinguish the meritorious service and to stimulate the practice of actions and deeds worthy of honorable mention.