Brussels will publish reports on economic situation in EU Member States

The European Commission will publish a European Semester Winter Package today, including, inter alia, reports on economic and social conditions in all EU Member States.

In a report on Slovenia in February last year, the Commission pointed out that there had been no progress in the areas of health care, long-term care and pension system burdened by the aging population, and that overall progress in implementing European recommendations was limited.

This year’s reports are expected to be marked by the priorities of the new commission led by Ursula von der Leyen, which puts the green transition first.

Part of the package should also be a proposal of areas to be eligible for Just Transition Fund funding. In Slovenia, as unofficially mentioned several times, Savinja and Šalek Valley, and Zasavje are the regions eligible for Fund funding.


Source: STA

Photo: Pixabay