Business and Logistics Conference Moving Slovenia 8.0

The series of events “Moving Slovenia/Premikamo Slovenijo” enters the next round. ADVANTAGE AUSTRIA LJUBLJANA and ČASNIK FINANCE are jointly organizing a successful conference on the topic of logistics, infrastructure, and mobility for the eighth time.

The event will be held on October 9, 2024, between 9:00 a.m. and 3:00 p.m. in the Congress Center Brdo pri Kranju.

The theme of this year’s conference is: Logistics at the Crossroads of Conflicts, Expectations of New Infrastructure and ESG. How to become even more efficient during challenges?

Logistics is currently at the center of many political, economic, nature conservation, and infrastructural development movements, which place it in a complex position. Political and military conflicts are only one factor in the uncertainty of processes in logistics. On the other hand, logistics, which must become more efficient day-by-day and therefore rapidly digitized, are affected by the rules that require it to become more and more carbon neutral and harmless to nature. This is a big challenge, especially technologically. In the past, many countries underinvested in infrastructure, as a response to this, many infrastructure projects are now underway in Austria and Slovenia. At this year’s event Premikamo Slovenijo, experts and practitioners will try to answer the mentioned question and provide experience that can be a guide for every modern logistician.


Costs and additional information:

Registration fee – 98 EUR (plus VAT)

The application deadline is September 30, 2024.

Register on the website:

You can also send an email to


The event will be held in Slovenian, translation will be provided.

The organizers look forward to your participation!