The National Reform Programme is an annual document that sets out the planned priority tasks of the government.
At its regular session, the government took note of the draft National Reform Programme 2019–2020. Slovenia has to send the final document, which the government is expected to discuss next week, to the European Commission by 15 April.
The National Reform Programme is an annual document that sets out the planned priority tasks of the government. It includes measures to achieve the recommendations and principal objectives of the Europe 2020 Strategy. The document also presents the government’s key policy directions within the context of the European Semester process. The document must be sent to the Commission by 15 April at the latest.
The principal objective of Slovenia’s economic policy remains to encourage competitiveness and productivity; to this end, stimulus must be given to those structural factors that are key to productivity growth in the short and longer term. The aim of the proposed (and not yet finalised) tax changes, which are based on the rebalancing of tax burdens between income from work and income from capital, is to encourage greater competitiveness by lessening the employee tax burden, which will have a positive impact on job creation. The proposed structural changes to the labour market and the pensions system address issues relating to an increase in labour participation, demographics,
the sustainability of the pensions system and the adequacy of pensions.
The chief objective of fiscal policy remains reducing debt and ensuring that the medium-term goal (2020–2022) is achieved, paying due regard to domestic fiscal policy.
The government on Thursday took note of the draft National Reform Programme 2019–2020. Slovenia has to send the final document, which the government is expected to discuss next week, to the European Commission by 15 April. The document has already been discussed by the Economic and Social Council, and the government will send it to the National Assembly.
Photo: Nebojsa Tejic, STA