Janez Lenarčič proposed as Slovenia’s EU Commissioner

PM Marjan Šarec has put forward Janez Lenarčič, Slovenia’s permanent representative to the EU, as the country’s candidate for European commissioner. Describing the career diplomat as an experienced expert, Šarec told the press that coalition partners had already been notified of the proposal, which will be discussed by the Government.

Janez Lenarčič

“He is experienced, he knows how the EU operates, he has been working in diplomacy for a long time. This is what we presently need,” Šarec said about Lenarčič.

A seasoned diplomat, Lenarčič has also served as ambassador to the OSCE, as director of the OSCE’s Office for Democratic Institutions and Human Rights, as secretary of Slovenia’s permanent UN mission, and as diplomatic adviser to the highest state officials.

Šarec said he had been weighing different options carefully since the EU election and came to the conclusion that, given the composition of the government, Slovenia needed a neutral candidate.

He also noted that his Marjan Šarec List (LMŠ) and the fellow coalition SocDems had each secured two MEP seats as the most successful coalition parties in the recent EU election, which is why he would not have found it fair to have the candidate come from either of the two parties.

He said that many opportunities had been missed by Slovenia and that it is right to give a chance to somebody who knows the workings of the EU. Šarec is confident that the fellow coalition parties will also recognise the national interest of Slovenia and the importance of unity.

“If I look at the interests of Slovenia and the expectations of people outside, I’m convinced that this is the right decision,” the prime minister said, adding he had waited a little before making his choice public to prevent a smear campaign against Lenarčič.