Kacin: Working groups by Thursday with proposals for a second anti-corona package

Four working groups set up by the Government to assist in the preparation of the second anti-corona package will prepare a report by Thursday, on the basis of which the advisory group will draft guidelines for the package, Government spokesman Jelko Kacin said. The second package must be implemented by the end of April, he stressed.

The first one was intended for economy and agriculture and led by economy minister Zdravko Počivalšek. The finance group is led by the finance minister Andrej Šircelj, while the labour, education and social affairs group is led by labour minister Janez Cigler Kralj. Also a group for opposition and NGOs proposals was formed and is led by the secretary of state in the cabinet of Prime Minister, Vinko Gorenak.

The Government started the preparations for the second anti-corona package on Friday to ensure liquidity in the Slovenian economy. The Government will also look into the proposals and comments received in the process of the first package and will try to include them in the second bill.

The Government started preparing the new package a day after the first package adoption

As explained to the STA on Friday by the Government Communication Office, they have prepared a timetable for the adoption of the package as they want to work with a little less haste than in the process of the first package when the Government was in a hurry to prepare the most urgent measures. Various stakeholders, including the opposition and trade unions, are expected to be included.

On Friday, Kacin explained that the Government was considering the amendment proposals by various parliamentary groups for an already adopted mega-law that had not been passed because of a hurry to adopt the bill. “We want to screen, harmonize, prepare these things for the second package,” he stressed.

According to Kacin, the ministerial team is at the same time considering possible measures to increase the liquidity of the economy. Precisely these two strands, that is unaccepted amendments proposals and liquidity measures, will be the “essence of the second package”.

The American Chamber of Commerce in Slovenia (AmCham Slovenia) also stressed today that rapid corrections to the first law are necessary. The Emergency Management Act, adopted by the National Assembly on Thursday, is in their opinion “a comprehensive package of measures that effectively address the current situation and will help the economy survive and sustain its activity under difficult conditions”.

However, AmCham Slovenia points out that certain solutions are still not appropriate. They point out, among other things, the certain restrictions on eligibility for legal aid, which are set too rigidly. The Chamber offers the Government its active participation in finding “the best solutions to overcome the current economic downturn and to achieve sustainable growth as soon as possible after the epidemic is over”.


Source: STA, maribor24.si

Photo: Pixabay