Krivec: Janša is the best candidate for Prime Minister, everything else is speculation

Slovenian President Borut Pahor has begun consultations in his presidential palace with heads of parliamentary groups. Pahor first spoke with SDS parliamentary group leader Danijel Krivec. In his statement to the media, he among other things said that SDS party President Janez Janša is their best candidate for Prime Minister. “Everything else is speculation,” he added.

President Borut Pahor has begun consultations with heads of parliamentary groups after Marjan Šarec resigned as Prime Minister last week.

Pahor has already met yesterday with SDS parliamentary group head Danijel Krivec. “The President of the Republic will hold talks with all parliamentary groups by Thursday and form a view on this basis,” Krivec explained after consultation with the President. He pointed out that SDS had invited all parties to the talks and is not closing the door to anyone. The talks will be held on Friday, and then it will all be clearer for SDS on how to proceed.

Source: STA,