LMŠ and Šarec going strong in Vox Populi survey

The July Vox Populi poll commissioned by the public broadcaster TV Slovenija and newspaper Dnevnik shows that the senior coalition Marjan Šarec List (LMŠ) continues to top the party rankings, with Prime Minister Marjan Šarec at the top of the popularity ranking of politicians.

Conducted by pollster Ninamedia between 9 and 11 July on a sample of 700 people, the poll shows 21.2% support for LMŠ, followed by the opposition Democrats (SDS) with 17.7%. The coalition Social Democrats (SD) are in place three with 10%, while the opposition Left is fourth with 6.1%.

The rest of the parties are under the 4% parliament threshold according to the poll. Šarec has meanwhile reclaimed the top spot in the popularity ranking, dethroning President Borut Pahor, who is now in place two.

Source: STA

Photo: Pixabay