Marco Hennis New Dutch Ambassador to Slovenia

Newly appointed Ambassador of the Kingdom of the Netherlands to Slovenia Marco Hennis presented today the copy of credentials to the Head of Diplomatic Protocol, Ambassador Nataša Prah.

During his career, Mr. Hennis has served in various capacities, among them:

Dutch Ambassador to Austria and the Permanent Representative of the Kingdom of the Netherlands to the UN in Vienna, Grand Master of the Royal Household of His Majesty the King, The Netherlands (2013-2015); Grand Master of the Royal Household of Her Majesty the Queen, The Netherlands (2008-2013); Consul-General of The Netherlands in Istanbul, Turkey (2004-2008); Chargé d’Affaires ad interim in Kabul, Afghanistan (2003-2004); Project coordinator for the European Integration Department’s Enlargement Task Force (2000-2003); Deputy Head of Mission Sarajevo, Bosnia (1997-2000); Seconded to the World Bank in Paris, France (1995-1997); Private Secretary to the Minister of Foreign Affairs (1994-1995); junior positions at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs in Islamabad, Belgrade, Brussels (Permanent Delegation to NATO) and The Hague (Recruitment, Selection and Training Section) (1983-1994).

Mr. Hennis graduated with a degree in Social and Organizational Psychology from Leiden University, the Netherlands.

photo: MFA