Some kind of a secret pact between the snow and the certain date in November
DC Slovenia November 2024The first snow came last night and Ljubljana woke up brighter and wearing different clothes, white ones.
Those of you who remember Yugoslavia Times, know that there was, some kind of a secret pact between the snow and the certain date in November, at least in, what is now called, the old, big, common country.
The first snow was namely guaranteed for Republica day “Dan Republike” on November 29th, a day when the big country and its citizens celebrated statehood and had a couple of days holiday spent usually with grandparents, relatives, or somewhere in the countryside.
Risking that this comparison could be labeled as blasphemy, these days around November 29th, in the former, non-existing, nowadays, “everybodylongingfor” country (okay perhaps not everybody) were like Christmas. Families gathered. Good food was served. Music was played, and there was a good feel in the air. Good old days.
This year, in November 2024, in the week before what was once the significant November 29th, Republic Day, one Party invitation in Slovenian language, which circulated on the X social network with a subtitle that praised the good old days caused a big problem, and it even required the reaction by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. At the end of the day, some people simply want to remember the good old days, some do not.

Read more about the Dan Republike Party invitation that “raised the eyebrows” on