On Italian Memorial Day, Slovenian President points out the jointly established historical truths

On the occasion of the Italian National Memorial Day of the Exiles and Foibe, Slovenian President Borut Pahor drew attention to the respect of jointly established historical truths still ignored in Italy. The 100th anniversary of the arson of the Trieste National House is the best opportunity for a common look into the past and the future, he is convinced.

President Pahor recalled that last year, after a ceremony in Bazovica, he reminded his Italian colleague Sergio Mattarello of unacceptable statements by Italian high officials on Italian National Memorial Day of the Exiles and Foibe, who want to give the impression that the foibe was a matter of ethnic cleansing, the President’s office stated.

The President warned that the controversial historical assessments and political views aroused indignation and concern among Slovenes, and he drew attention to the final report on Slovene-Italian relations 1880-1956.


Source: STA