Pahor received Grabar-Kitarovic on her farewell visit

Slovenian President Borut Pahor hosted Croatian President Kolinda Grabar-Kitarović on her working and informal visit to Ljubljana. This was her final visit at the end of her term. According to Pahor, her decision to choose Slovenia for the final visit is not a coincidence as these are two neighbouring and friendly countries.

This was their 39th meeting, and Pahor recalled that after Croatia’s unilateral decision to withdraw from the arbitration agreement, they both agreed to continue the dialogue and maintain the bridge between the two nations and states. Apart from the issue of arbitration – which is a done deal as far as Slovenia is concerned, but not Croatia, although bounded by international law-, all other fields of cooperation are regulated, Pahor is convinced.

According to Pahor, they did their best with his Croatian colleague to ensure that the dialogue was established and the bridge between the two countries was solid, as it was made out of trust between them.

He thanked the Croatian President, who is leaving her position after defeated at the January presidential elections after one term of office, for choosing Slovenia for her last visit abroad.

According to Grabar-Kitarović, Slovenia was a logical choice since she was always saying that friendship between the two countries and what connects them goes far beyond the issues that remain open, especially those resulting from the breakup of the former common state.

She also urged the Slovenian authorities to continue discussions with the Croatian side in order to reach a bilateral solution to all outstanding issues. She agreed with Pahor that their cooperation was exemplary, although they had differing views on outstanding issues, especially on arbitration.


Source: STA,

Photo: Pixabay