Pahor’s final decision on the mandate to form the government expected on Wednesday

Slovenian President Borut Pahor will hold a second, final round of consultations with heads of parliamentary groups on the selection of the prime minister candidate tomorrow.

The talks on Tuesday will be attended by the SDS, SMC, NSi and DeSUS parties, which are also discussing the formation of a new government. SAB – invited as a party that initiated the formation of a project government – will not attend the talks.

If heads of parliamentary groups express their support for the prime minister candidate, Pahor will meet with the candidate on Wednesday, otherwise he will inform the National Assembly that he will not propose a candidate, his office said. According to the Constitution, he must notify the National Assembly about his decision by Friday inclusive.

Unofficially, the talks of potential coalition partners are almost done. They are supposed to meet today too, and the parties will be deciding in the coming days whether to join the government.


Source: STA