Photo Exhibition Celebrating Slovenia’s 20 Years in the EU

DC Slovenia, Photo Exhibition Celebrating Slovenia's 20 Years in the EU; photo credit: Anže Krže, Mediaspeed
DC Slovenia, Photo Exhibition Celebrating Slovenia’s 20 Years in the EU; photo credit: Anže Krže, Mediaspeed

To mark Slovenia’s 20th anniversary in the EU, the European Investment Bank (EIB) Group Office in Ljubljana launched the photo exhibition “Slovenia – 20 Years of Progress in the EU”. The outdoor show, which opened on 29 August along the Gallus Embankment in Ljubljana, showcases 17 photographs that highlight various EIB-funded projects in Slovenia. The exhibition will run until 30 September, offering visitors a visual journey through two decades of impactful collaboration.

Since 1977, the EIB has played a crucial role in Slovenia’s development, providing more than EUR 7.6 billion in financing for 85 projects across the country. These projects have spanned sectors such as innovation, education, infrastructure and business development. Complementing this, the EIF has contributed approximately EUR 500 million in funding, particularly supporting SMEs in Slovenia.

At the inauguration on 2 September, EIB Vice-President Kyriacos Kakouris stated, “As the bank of the EU, we facilitate the implementation of various EU priorities in the country such as the energy renovation of cities and help small and medium-sized enterprises to grow.”

Kyriacos Kakouris, Vice-President, European Investment Bank; DC Slovenia, Photo Exhibition Celebrating Slovenia's 20 Years in the EU; photo credit: Anže Krže, Mediaspeed;
Kyriacos Kakouris, Vice-President, European Investment Bank; DC Slovenia, Photo Exhibition Celebrating Slovenia’s 20 Years in the EU; photo credit: Anže Krže, Mediaspeed;


Simon Savšek, head of the EIB Group office in Slovenia, emphasized, “We are proud to have accompanied Slovenia on its path to EU membership and to have supported a number of projects that have made a significant contribution to the country’s development and prosperity.”

Simon Savšek, Head of the EIB Group office in Slovenia; DC Slovenia, Photo Exhibition Celebrating Slovenia's 20 Years in the EU; photo credit: Anže Krže, Mediaspeed;
Simon Savšek, Head of the EIB Group office in Slovenia; DC Slovenia, Photo Exhibition Celebrating Slovenia’s 20 Years in the EU; photo credit: Anže Krže, Mediaspeed;


Slovenian Finance Minister Klemen Boštjančič celebrated the partnership, saying, “The photos on exhibition represent more than just completed projects. They are symbols of what can be achieved when we work together with common goals and a shared vision.”


Klemen Boštjančič, Slovenian Finance Minister, DC Slovenia, Photo Exhibition Celebrating Slovenia's 20 Years in the EU; photo credit: Anže Krže, Mediaspeed;
Klemen Boštjančič, Slovenian Finance Minister, DC Slovenia, Photo Exhibition Celebrating Slovenia’s 20 Years in the EU; photo credit: Anže Krže, Mediaspeed;

The exhibition showcases and serves as a public testimony of the enduring collaboration between Slovenia and the EIB Group.


Simon Savšek, Kyriacos Kakouris, Klemen Boštjančič; DC Slovenia, Photo Exhibition Celebrating Slovenia's 20 Years in the EU; photo credit: Anže Krže, Mediaspeed;
Simon Savšek, Kyriacos Kakouris, Klemen Boštjančič; DC Slovenia, Photo Exhibition Celebrating Slovenia’s 20 Years in the EU; photo credit: Anže Krže, Mediaspeed;


DC Slovenia, Photo Exhibition Celebrating Slovenia's 20 Years in the EU; photo credit: Anže Krže, Mediaspeed
DC Slovenia, Photo Exhibition Celebrating Slovenia’s 20 Years in the EU; photo credit: Anže Krže, Mediaspeed


DC Slovenia, Photo Exhibition Celebrating Slovenia's 20 Years in the EU; photo credit: Anže Krže, Mediaspeed
DC Slovenia, Photo Exhibition Celebrating Slovenia’s 20 Years in the EU; photo credit: Anže Krže, Mediaspeed


DC Slovenia, Photo Exhibition Celebrating Slovenia's 20 Years in the EU; photo credit: Anže Krže, Mediaspeed
DC Slovenia, Photo Exhibition Celebrating Slovenia’s 20 Years in the EU; photo credit: Anže Krže, Mediaspeed


Tina Drolc, European Investment Bank; DC Slovenia, Photo Exhibition Celebrating Slovenia's 20 Years in the EU; photo credit: Anže Krže, Mediaspeed;
Tina Drolc, European Investment Bank; DC Slovenia, Photo Exhibition Celebrating Slovenia’s 20 Years in the EU; photo credit: Anže Krže, Mediaspeed;


DC Slovenia, Photo Exhibition Celebrating Slovenia's 20 Years in the EU; photo credit: Anže Krže, Mediaspeed
DC Slovenia, Photo Exhibition Celebrating Slovenia’s 20 Years in the EU; photo credit: Anže Krže, Mediaspeed


DC Slovenia, Photo Exhibition Celebrating Slovenia's 20 Years in the EU; photo credit: Anže Krže, Mediaspeed
DC Slovenia, Photo Exhibition Celebrating Slovenia’s 20 Years in the EU; photo credit: Anže Krže, Mediaspeed


DC Slovenia, Photo Exhibition Celebrating Slovenia's 20 Years in the EU; photo credit: Anže Krže, Mediaspeed
DC Slovenia, Photo Exhibition Celebrating Slovenia’s 20 Years in the EU; photo credit: Anže Krže, Mediaspeed


DC Slovenia, Photo Exhibition Celebrating Slovenia's 20 Years in the EU; photo credit: Anže Krže, Mediaspeed
DC Slovenia, Photo Exhibition Celebrating Slovenia’s 20 Years in the EU; photo credit: Anže Krže, Mediaspeed


DC Slovenia, Photo Exhibition Celebrating Slovenia's 20 Years in the EU; photo credit: Anže Krže, Mediaspeed
DC Slovenia, Photo Exhibition Celebrating Slovenia’s 20 Years in the EU; photo credit: Anže Krže, Mediaspeed