Presentation of four ministerial candidates: Pivec, Hojs, Šircelj and Koritnik for the green light

The competent working bodies of the National Assembly continue the hearings of candidates for ministers in the government of Janez Janša. The candidates for the ministers of public administration Boštjan Koritnik; internal affairs Aleš Hojs; agriculture, forestry and food Aleksandra Pivec and finance Andrej Šircelj are presenting themselves today.

The foreign minister candidate Anže Logar from the SDS quota got the green light of the parliamentary foreign policy committee on Tuesday. He announced the establishment of a special envoy for Croatia and estimated that the time had come for a quiet diplomacy. He also opted for reordering of the EU presidency’s priorities and for closer cooperation between the foreign and defence ministries.

The presentations of Cigler Kralj and Tonin

The candidate for the minister for labour, family, social affairs and equal opportunities – Janez Cigler Kralj successfully passed the presentation before the committee. He highlighted a more modern and more vibrant social assistance system, including the prevention of abuse, care for the elderly and strengthening family policy as the key priorities.

The defence ministerial candidate Matej Tonin also received support from the committee. Among other things, he emphasized the need to exclude Slovenian armed forces from the single system of pay and to regulate the position of soldiers after the age of 45. In his view, the main priorities of this ministry are an effective and determined response to the epidemic of the new coronavirus, halting negative staffing trends in the military and raising the defence budget.

The chairpersons of the committees will inform the National Assembly president and the Prime Minister-designate Janez Janša within 48 hours. The latter may then replace any of the candidates within three days.

MPs will vote in full on the ministerial list. Given the fact that the new coalition has 47 votes secured, the rejection of the list would be a surprise.


Source: STA,

Photo: Pixabay