The government expands the scope of aid recipients due to the epidemic

The government has expanded the scope of those in title of receiving aid due to the epidemic of the new coronavirus. Besides the business entities and pensioners who were promised to be helped a few days ago, the government now announces, among other things, to ensure aid to students and recipients of financial social assistance. The total value of the measures is also higher, now estimated at 3 billion euro.

The government combined the measures to help Slovenian citizens and the economy into a bill on emergency measures to mitigate the effects of the COVID-19 epidemic, adopted on late Saturday night. It combined the measures presented by Prime Minister Janez Janša on Tuesday and added some new ones. It is estimated that all the solutions together will increase the state budget expenditures by three billion euro.

The first part of the measures improves the social situation of the people, said the Government Communication Office. All self-employed who declare themselves affected by the crisis in a special electronic application will receive 350 euro for March if they prove a decline in income by at least 25 percent compared to February, and 700 euro for April and May if they prove a decline income compared to February by at least 50 percent. At the same time, the state will also cover all related social security contributions.

The aid is also available to all full-time students in the amount of a one-time crisis allowance of 150 euro and will be paid by 30 April.

Large families with three children will receive additional 100 euro in addition to the allowance they are already receiving, and families with four or more children will receive 200 euro.

Retirees with up to 700 euro in pensions will be paid a solidarity bonus by the state in three different amounts. For pensions up to 500 euro, it is set at 300 euro, for pensions from 501 to 600 euro at 230 euro, and for pensions from 601 to 700 euro at 130 euro.

Beneficiaries of financial social assistance and compensatory supplement will also be eligible for the one-time allowance of 150 euro.

There is also an allowance for danger and special burdens during the epidemic. Up to 200 euro will be available for the private sector employees whose basic gross wage is lower than three times Slovenia’s gross minimum wage and are exposed to health risks or are burdened above average due to their work during the epidemic. The necessary funds will be provided by the employer from the pension contribution exemption.

The goal is also to maintain jobs

In order to preserve jobs during the epidemic of the new coronavirus, the state will take over the payment of all contributions instead of employers for the temporarily laid off employees and all rights of the insured will be maintained, Prime Minister Janša said on Tuesday. All sick leaves during the epidemic from day one will be taken over by the health insurer instead of the employer.

For the duration of the epidemic, the Act brings a 30 percent reduction in basic salaries for the officials. The same reduction applies to the salaries of former officials and to the salaries of officials who will take office after the Act entries into force. However, salaries of officials of the judiciary, officials of the Constitutional Court and local communities are not reduced.

The objectives of the proposed measures are to preserve jobs and businesses, to improve the social status of the people most at risk due to COVID-19, to provide exceptional assistance to the self-employed, to improve corporate liquidity, to support scientific-research projects to combat the epidemic, to reduce attendance fees and payments of the officials, the exemption from payment for distribution services and assistance to agriculture, the government summarized in a press release.

Details of the draft bill, which the government has already submitted to the parliament for urgent consideration and adoption, are presented by Prime Minister Janez Janša together with the coalition parties’ presidents and the finance minister Andrej Šircelj in todays press conference. All proposed measures are expected to be in force until 31 May.


Soruce: STA,

Photo: Pixabay