The new ambassador of Spain to Slovenia, Javier Herrera hosted a magnificent reception for the National Day of Spain/photos

Newly appointed ambassador of Spain to Slovenia, H.E. Javier Herrera hosted a magnificent reception to mark the National Day of Spain and to foster bilateral relations between Spain and Slovenia. The reception was attended by dignitaries and diplomats from various nations. The celebration of the Spanish national day in Ljubljana featured a delightful array of Spanish cuisine, showcasing the culinary heritage.

In this year 2024, Spain and Slovenia celebrate 32 years since establishing diplomatic relations. And 25 years since the Embassy of Spain in Ljubljana was opened. The balance of these three decades of close and cordial friendship is excellent. And not only because of the better knowledge and understanding that two countries have acquired of each other, and of the growing exchanges in so many areas.

This diplomatic reception was a splendid affair, elegantly hosted in a grand venue of Narodna Galerija in Ljubljana decorated with cultural artifacts, adding beauty and  significance to the event. Many international and Slovenian distinguished guests mingled and the atmosphere of international cooperation marked the evening of October 9th. This gathering did not only strengthened existing relationships between Spain and Slovenia but also fostered new connections, laying the groundwork for future cooperation.

DC Slovenia, National Day of Spain 2024
DC Slovenia, National Day of Spain 2024


The ambassador of Spain to Slovenia, H.E. Javier Herrera opened the reception by addressing the guests with few words in Slovenian:

“Dober večer vsem in najlepša hvala, da ste nocoj tukaj in z nami praznujete dan državnosti Španije,” and than he said: 

“Having been in Ljubljana only for a few weeks, I beg your indulgence for my bad Slovenian and for not being able to continue my speech in this beautiful language. I will try to improve next year. I promise,” added H.E. 

October 12, which is the actual date of the National Day of Spain refers to two events that occurred more than 500 years ago, in 1492. On the one hand, that date marks the complete unification of the different kingdoms coexisting in the Hispanic part of the Iberian Peninsula, giving birth to what we nowadays know as Spain, the oldest nation in Europe. And, on the other, October 12 is the date when an intrepid navigator named Cristobal Colón (or Cristopher Columbus in English), commanding an expedition of 3 ships, reached the shores of what was then considered the New World. And nowadays we refer to it as America. That was the starting point in History of what we call Hispanity, or Spanish hood. That strong tie that links Spain with all the Spanish speaking countries on the other side of the Atlantic Ocean, and with whom we share not only the same language, but also the same culture and a common history. That crucial event also marked the beginning of a new era: the modern age. And with it, the emergence of Europe as the protagonist of a world that, for the first time, became aware of its global dimension.

H.E. Herrera continued his speech with following lines: “But this is History, this is the past, something that we need to know and to learn from, mostly in order to be able to project ourselves into the future. Because it is mostly the present and the future that I want to speak about in this brief speech. If we look at the present, unfortunately, some tragic events that are happening around the world, some of them in our close vicinity, make us feel skeptical about hope, peace and international solidarity. The war in Ukraine, which is now lasting much more that any of us could have expected, is a radical violation of the values and principles in which we believe. The level of mass murder and destruction that we have been witnessing for the last two and a half years goes beyond our understanding and puzzles the entire international community. I want, at this point, to assure my Ukrainian colleague, here present, dear Andrii, and through him to the entire Ukrainian nation, that Spain, together with all our partners and allies in the European Union and NATO will stand by your side. However long the aggression may last and whatever the cost may be. And this, until you regain your full sovereignty and your territorial integrity.”

“We salute and congratulate the Government of Slovenia for the outstanding role it is playing right now in its capacity as member of the UN Security Council.” H.E. Javier Herrera

Reflecting the horrific events that we are witnessing in the Middle East, ambassador Herrera added: “I cannot keep silent in relation with the horrific events that we are witnessing in the Middle East. The attacks that occurred 1 year and 2 days ago, on October 7 2023, were a proof of extreme cruelty from a terrorist movement that shook all of us. We all expressed then our sympathy and solidarity with the Government and the people of Israel, and with all the Jewish people around the world. In particular with the victims and their families. And we all acknowledged the right and the need of the State of Israel to defend itself and to give an appropriate response. But this response, let me say it loud and clear, must be delivered in full compliance with international and humanitarian law. That is why we need to call upon all parties involved, to stop the escalation of violence. We need to give people living in the Middle East a horizon of peace and coexistence. They cannot be condemned to live forever amongst war and destruction.  My country, Spain, is firmly committed to help find a solution to this endless drama. And therefore, we salute and congratulate the Government of Slovenia for the outstanding role it is playing right now in its capacity as member of the UN Security Council, and in particular on the occasion of its presidency, last month of September. The presence and leadership taken in New York by Prime Minister Robert Golob and Foreign Minister Tanja Fajon have been recognized and praised by all its partners and allies. Minister Fajon recently said that it is very hard to be innovative and creative when, after countless debates and despite our common wish and determination to see peace approaching, every new day we feel that peace is further away. Indeed this is true, but despite these feelings, we shall not dismay or fall into political depression. We need to keep acting, to keep putting pressure on those who have the key to solution, we need to keep hope. Prime Minister Golob has declared that the heritage that Slovenia wants to leave after its 2-year presence in the UN Security Council is that this is a country that can be trusted by everybody as a player capable of contributing to achieve peace, security and stability around the world. Well, let me assure you that these are exactly the same motivations that Spain pursues, and the ones that inspire and lead all our actions in the global scenario. Spain is a peace loving country. 90 years ago we had a horrific civil war, and we learnt the lesson. We know that violent confrontation is not the road for coexistence. Instead, negotiation and cooperation are the only tools that can build solid and longstanding peace, progress and social welfare.  “

H.E. continued his speech on a more positive note saying: “Despite the traditional Slovenian saying according to which, when something is completely unknown to you, that is španska vas, in the present days, Spain and Slovenia are two countries that know and understand each other very well, and that have the will to work closer every day. At the EU level, our two Governments are working together in order to achieve the so needed enlargement towards the Western Balkans, that we both fully support. But also, at the global level, the health and energy crises, or the climate change, or human migrations, are issues of the outmost interest for both our countries, that need to be addressed in common. And of course, the respect, protection, promotion and fulfilment of human rights are values and objectives that we both cherish and want to see implemented all around the world.”

H.E. Herrera concluded by saying that what brings Spain and Slovenia closer is that two countries agree on the essentials: “Our two countries are democratic, progressive and social states that share their commitment to the rule of law, freedom, justice and welfare for all the citizens.”

DC Slovenia, National Day of Spain 2024
DC Slovenia, National Day of Spain 2024
DC Slovenia, National Day of Spain 2024
DC Slovenia, National Day of Spain 2024
DC Slovenia, National Day of Spain 2024
DC Slovenia, National Day of Spain 2024
DC Slovenia, National Day of Spain 2024
DC Slovenia, National Day of Spain 2024
DC Slovenia, National Day of Spain 2024
DC Slovenia, National Day of Spain 2024
DC Slovenia, National Day of Spain 2024
DC Slovenia, National Day of Spain 2024
DC Slovenia, National Day of Spain 2024
DC Slovenia, National Day of Spain 2024