The proposal for layoff co-financing by the state endorsed by parliamentary committee

The Labour Committee of the National Assembly endorsed a bill to help employers who – due to the coronavirus pandemic – are unable to provide work for at least 30 percent of employees at the same time and will send them to a temporary lay-off.

The purpose of the act is to keep as many jobs as possible in the changed market situation.

Workers will receive 80 percent of the compensation of the average wage received over the last three months. In doing so, the employer will cover 60 percent and the state will cover 40 percent of this 80 percent of the wage compensation.

Workers entitled to 80 percent of the salary compensation will also be the ones in quarantine, but in this case, the payment will be entirely covered by the state.

After the adopted amendments, the measure will also apply to the self-employed, who will also be entitled to the two-year postponement of social contributions payments for April, May and June 2020.


Source: STA

Photo: Pixabay