Vote in National Assembly on Janša as prime minister-designate expected on Tuesday

Slovenian National Assembly is expected to vote on a prime minister-designate, Janez Janša, on Tuesday. A PM is appointed in a secret ballot in National Assembly based on at least 46 votes. Apparently, Janša has enough votes to be appointed.

The head of the SDS party Janez Janša was nominated as a new prime minister by president Borut Pahor on Wednesday, after the final round of consultations with heads of parliamentary groups. The evening before, the coalition agreement was signed by SDS, SMC, NSi and DeSUS. Thus, it appears that Jansa has enough parliamentary votes to be appointed. Among the 48 MPs of the above mentioned parties, only SMC’s MP Jani Möderndorfer publicly opposed joining the coalition. Support for the Janša-led government was also announced by SNS’s MP Jani Ivanuša.

A timetable for the National Assembly session, which starts on Monday with questions by MPs, was set today by the Bureau of Parliament. Almost eight hours are scheduled for Tuesday’s decision on the new prime minister. However, National Assembly should further expand the agenda of the session upon Janša appointment on Monday. After Tuesday’s vote on the new prime minister, the session will continue on Wednesday and Thursday.


Source: STA,

Photo: Pixabay