Embassies of V4 countries opened on 29th of July a unique exhibition called “Friends in need are friends indeed”.

The help that the countries of the Visegrad Group provided to Slovenia after the devastating floods of August 2023 was documented on 18 large-format photos.
Ambassador of Poland in Slovenia Krzysztof Olendzki reminded about the involvement of countries of #GrupaWyszehradzka #V4 in bringing aid and solidarity with Slovenia.
“Our countries, in cooperation with the European Union and NATO and the Red Cross and Caritas organizations, provided the necessary materials, financial support and soldiers to help Slovenia in a difficult time.” We’re here to build bridges that were destroyed.”
Everybody is invited to Gallusovo nabrezje to visit the exhibition and reflect on the strength of international solidarity in the face of disasters. The exhibition is open until 29. August 2024.
Source: Official page of the Polish diplomatic mission to Slovenia
Photo: Embassy of the Czech Republic in Ljubljana