The Association for Connecting Female Experts and Promoting Knowledge, under the name ONA VE, has been holding regular meetings throughout Slovenia since its establishment in 2021. However, this time, which took place on Tuesday, October 8, 2024, was the second consecutive meeting in Maribor. The event, titled ONA VE – carefree, happy, and healthy in the autumn of life: 5 pillars for a safe and comfortable life in retirement, was organized by Dragica Korenjak, a network development advisor who was the conceptual leader of the topic, Katja Janko Puh, marketing manager for the fashion brand Comma, who moderated the round table, and Mateja P. Kristanič, director of the VIBE Agency, who took care of the entire organization.

The members of the association met at Lent, in front of the House of the Old Vine, where they were welcomed by a representative of the Maribor Tourism Institute and introduced to the history of the Oldest Vine in the World. This was followed by an engaging and excellently interpreted tour of the Museum of the Oldest Vine in the World, which operates under the auspices of the Maribor Regional Museum. The museum director, Barbara Izlakar, impressed the experts with her knowledge and story about the history of Maribor’s winemakers and the town. After tasting the Queen’s wine, accompanied by the sounds of French chansons played by accordionist Danijel Marinič, the ladies strolled through the renovated part of the city to the Nana Café & Bistro. In the professional part of the gathering, Dragica Korenjak presented a good practice example of the 5 servants that serve us today to ensure we enter retirement happy, safe, and healthy. This was followed by a round table, skilfully navigated by Katja Janko Puh, marketing manager for the Comma brand. The exchange of thoughts included: Nataša Sernc, head of the market communication and advertising department at OTP Bank; Ljiljana Pavković, education specialist at Vzajemna Insurance, and Mag. Nika Cerar, who works with fractal drawings at Art Therapy. The gathering at Nana developed into a long, debate-filled, inspirational evening.

Katja Janko Puh commented on the event: “ONA VE meetings are always unique. This time we started in front of the oldest vine in the world, which perfectly matched the theme of the meeting. The old vine has long found its IKIGAI – the Japanese concept meaning the purpose of life. I am convinced that with Dragica Korenjak’s lecture and the speakers at the round table, we also encouraged other members to find it, although I believe most have already found it.”

Mateja Malnar Štembal, vice-president of the ONA VE association, expressed her joy at the fact that after last year’s very successful event, this second one is becoming traditional. “Our Maribor organizers have once again proven how important it is to share knowledge, experiences, and establish true sisterhood. Such meetings offer opportunities for connection and support that women need,” she said. She added that the ONA VE network now includes 565 experts, competent for public appearances in the media and at various events, which strengthens their role in society. “The most beautiful thing is to see that such meetings give rise to new business and other collaborations that benefit society.”

Mateja P. Kristanič, who took over the entire organization and execution, said after the event: “The ONA VE members are full of knowledge, experience, and wisdom. Preparing fresh, interesting, and inspiring content is always an exciting challenge. And when you see and feel all the positive energy, enthusiasm, and sparks in the eyes of the attendees and speakers during and especially after the event, you know the mission was successful. When new stories and collaborations are born from such gatherings, you know you’ve done something good for the wider society.”

The event was supported by: Generali Insurance, Grawe Insurance, Vzajemna Health Insurance, the fashion brand Comma, the company Biostile, Zvezdana Lubej from Chocolate Village by the River, the company Smart Money, the VIBE Agency, the Museum of the Oldest Vine in the World, and the Maribor Tourism Institute.