“Europe is only strong if it is united!

Dr Robert Golob Prime Minister, Photo, Vlada Republike Slovenije, Državna počastitev ob 20. obletnici vstopa Republike Slovenije v EU Borut Živulovič / Foto Bobo
Dr Robert Golob Prime Minister,
Photo, Vlada Republike Slovenije,
Državna počastitev ob 20. obletnici vstopa Republike Slovenije v EU
Borut Živulovič / Foto Bobo

On May 9th there was a national celebration in Nova Gorica at 20th anniversary of Slovenia’s entry into EU.

Former President of European Commission Romano Prodi, Prime Minister dr Robert Golob, Photo, Vlada Republike Slovenije, Državna počastitev ob 20. obletnici vstopa Republike Slovenije v EU Borut Živulovič / Foto Bobo
Former President of European Commission Romano Prodi, Prime Minister dr Robert Golob,
Photo, Vlada Republike Slovenije,
Državna počastitev ob 20. obletnici vstopa Republike Slovenije v EU
Borut Živulovič / Foto Bobo

The celebration symbolically took place near the “Europe Square, on which 20 years ago the then President of European Commission Romano Prodi and then Prime Minister dr Anton Rop were counting down the last seconds before joining the Union of European countries, which was one of the turning points in the lives of Slovenian citizens.


In addition to European commissioner for crisis management Janez Lenarčič, the guests were also addressed by the Prime Minister dr Robert Golob who said: “Europe is only strong if it is united, and it is only as strong as it is in solidarity. And as strong as Europe is, as safe as Slovenia is”, the prime minister emphasized in his speech.


Nova Gorica 9 May 2024
Nova Gorica 9 May 2024
Nova Gorica 9 May 2024
Nova Gorica 9 May 2024

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